Multilingual Orientation Service Association for Immigrant Communities

Annual Report 1998-1999

President's Message
Executive Director
The Dr.Kes Chetty
Education Award

Board of Directors 98/99
Fee-For Service
Employment Programs
Settlement Services

Program Development
Language Centre
A Special Thank-you

President's Message

As we approach the year 2000, it is not a time for complacency. We seem to be living through very difficult times, when the need for MOSAIC’s services has never been higher, the impact of changes at a federal and provincial level never greater, and societal attitudes never more polarized.
I have been privileged over the past two years to work with a very committed and involved Board of Directors that takes its role seriously and is not afraid to go out on a limb to advocate for the clients of MOSAIC. That advocacy has taken many forms. We have supported the research and production of several major reports: Unfulfilled Expectations, Missed Opportunities: Poverty among Immigrants and Refugees in British Columbia (Martin Spigelman Research Associates), Transitions: An Analysis of the Impact of Funding Purchase and Case Management Changes on Immigrants, Employment Eligible Refugees and Immigrant Serving Organizations (Spigelman).These reports, written from solid research, have rung the alarm bells for us.
As a policy board, we have been engaged in a profound reexamination of the mission, values and goals of the organization, which has led us to reaffirm some of the basic principles that draw us to this volunteer work. The document that we produced which articulates a new mission, vision, values and guiding principles for MOSAIC is the result of many hours of conversation within the Board and with input from the staff. We wrestled with many important issues, such as whether or not MOSAIC should change focus and accept “mainstream” clients in our programs. We supported a community consultation process which convinced us that there is definitely a need for us to retain our identity as an organization that provides specialized services for immigrants and refugees.
I appreciate the commitment to MOSAIC that members of the Board of Directors have shown in so many ways: attending committee meetings, planning sessions, and events ranging from graduations of classes, to the opening of the community space that boasts the outstanding mural donated by Nora Patrich and Juan Sanchez. One of our members, Gerald Rolfsen, must be particularly thanked for the many hours he spent investigating possible premises for the Language Centre and Daycare with Holly Whittleton and Elizabeth Jones. The recent opening of the new site at 11th and Commercial, a result of so much hard work on the part of the staff, is certainly one of the highlights of the year.
Although there are significant challenges, we appreciate working with an organization that values transparency, with a dedicated, experienced staff and with an outstanding management team. We thank those funders who make our work possible, and who share our vision of a society that is enriched by and that values each one of its citizens. On a personal note, I would like to thank my fellow Board members for their support during the two years I have served as President. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work with such a terrific group of people.
Vera Rosenbluth

Negah Productions

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Settlement Services

Employment Programs


Language Services


